Our Educational Mission
Juntendo University is Japan’s only comprehensive health university with a Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Health and Sports Science, Faculty of Health Care and Nursing, Faculty of Health Science and Nursing, Faculty of International Liberal Arts, and
Faculty of Health Science.
As such, we have identified our mission as being to cultivate personnel capable of contributing to the maintenance, improvement, and recovery of human health, striving to embody our university motto jin (benevolence) and our guiding principle of continuously moving forward.
The Faculty of Health and Sports Science educates students who aspire to become health and physical education teachers, special needs school teachers, school nurses, and elementary school teachers, as well as those hoping to pursue careers in sports business (and related companies) and at businesses with links to the fields of health and wellbeing.
As such, we have identified our mission as being to cultivate personnel capable of contributing to the maintenance, improvement, and recovery of human health, striving to embody our university motto jin (benevolence) and our guiding principle of continuously moving forward.
The Faculty of Health and Sports Science educates students who aspire to become health and physical education teachers, special needs school teachers, school nurses, and elementary school teachers, as well as those hoping to pursue careers in sports business (and related companies) and at businesses with links to the fields of health and wellbeing.

To ensure that each and every one of you can bring your dreams to fruition and pursue your preferred sport or field of scholarship throughout your lives, we are devoting our energies to holistic education, as well as to enhancing the curriculum and the
range of lectures and practicums available.Everything you learn will help you to shape your future.
During your time at our university, we will provide you with painstaking guidance to help you to achieve your goals and objectives. Juntendo has established a reputation as the alma mater of many in the teaching profession, using all the resources at its disposal to put in place support systems that will appeal to those wishing to become teachers.
During your time at our university, we will provide you with painstaking guidance to help you to achieve your goals and objectives. Juntendo has established a reputation as the alma mater of many in the teaching profession, using all the resources at its disposal to put in place support systems that will appeal to those wishing to become teachers.
We have put in place education and research systems befitting of a comprehensive health university, developing academic initiatives through collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Health Care and Nursing, Faculty of Health Science and Nursing,
Faculty of International Liberal Arts, and Faculty of Health Science. These initiatives enable our students to acquire the medical and scientific knowledge essential in order to pursue sport from a scientific viewpoint.
With the pursuit of health as our core theme, we also strive to cultivate highly sociable, creative personnel with wide-ranging insight, who are capable of addressing the professional needs of a new era. We hereby disclose to students, staff and faculty members the following educational mission, with the aim of maintaining and developing this educational environment.
With the pursuit of health as our core theme, we also strive to cultivate highly sociable, creative personnel with wide-ranging insight, who are capable of addressing the professional needs of a new era. We hereby disclose to students, staff and faculty members the following educational mission, with the aim of maintaining and developing this educational environment.

1) Forming the self
Our faculty deals with a variety of academic disciplines relating to sports and health, including sports medicine and science, coaching science, sports management, and health science. Students can choose their fields of learning according to their ideal goals. The key point is that your studies at Juntendo will focus on practical learning, so when you are studying, we want you always to think about how you will utilize in society what you have learned at university. We also request that you form a self who is capable of making good use of the knowledge with which Juntendo has provided you. If you do so, you should be able to find a path that will enable you to engage with your preferred sport or field of study for the rest of your life. This is particularly crucial at a time when the issue of second careers for sportspeople is a hot topic.2) Jin (Benevolence) and Fudan Zenshin (Continuously Moving Forward)
What people most need is for you to put yourself in other people’s place and consider things from their perspective, rather than only your own. I exist as you exist, with a heart that considers and cherishes others: that is the spirit of jin. Juntendo is Japan’s oldest college of Western medicine, with a history dating back to 1838. Over the 181 years since our university’s founding, the people who have gathered at Juntendo have also engaged in sport while pursuing their day-to-day studies in this spirit of jin. Juntendo has established fudan zenshin as its guiding principle. This means that we strive for advances and constantly take on new challenges, implementing ongoing reforms and achieving creative progress at all times.3) Mission
Based on Juntendo’s motto of benevolence and guiding principle of continuously moving forward, the Faculty of Health and Sports Science aims to provide holistic education that harmoniously and comprehensively cultivates humanity through studies in the human-centered disciplines of medicine, sports and health, and long-term nursing care and welfare. Naturally, mastery of a specialist field requires specialized knowledge and skills. However, learning that is excessively skewed toward such knowledge and skills does not enable students to learn about people, which is Juntendo’s goal. We will strive to further enhance the general liberal arts education on offer, while constantly asking what people most need. We see that as our mission as a comprehensive health university.4) Student Dormitories
For the first year after admission, students live in the dormitory along with Faculty of Medicine undergraduate students hoping to pursue a career in medicine. Living together in an academic community and discussing their future dreams with each other, while respecting each other’s career paths cultivates the human qualities that students will need after becoming working members of society, including consideration for others, a sense of responsibility, and cooperativeness. This faculty’s goal is holistic education and we want candidates for admission to master the following qualities.Be Honest
Honesty means demonstrating the utmost integrity toward people and things, and treating them with sincerity. Someone who single-mindedly approaches everyone and everything with unvarnished sincerity, free from ostentation, will in turn grow as a person as a result.Be courteous
Courteousness refers to both courtesy and restraint.Courtesy means demonstrating good manners by expressing feelings of respect for others. No matter how much we might respect others, we cannot demonstrate courtesy toward them unless we know ways of expressing it and then put them into practice.
Conversely, no matter how polished your manners might appear, they cannot be described as true courtesy unless accompanied by a spirit of respect.
Be Independent
The independence to assert your opinion freely and act upon it is important, in all situations. Knowledge will not advance unless the independence of researchers is respected. Even if you want to be independent, you cannot lead a successful life in human society if you fail to cooperate or compromise with those around you.Establish yourself as an individual within the group, while valuing the spirit of independence.
Be Fair
Fairness means behavior that is transparent and correct, demonstrating no bias or crookedness. This also applies to the spirit of fair play. Ceaseless effort and a strong will are required to maintain impartiality. You must also have the courage to resolutely oppose wrongdoing.Be Tenacious
Being tenacious means persevering with things, as well as being strong and flexible. To achieve this, you need physical strength, patience, a strong will, and a sharp intellect. A lack of any one of these elements will mean that neither society nor the state will feel secure in entrusting serious matters to you. It is imperative that you demonstrate good self-control, endure hardship to accomplish your goals, and be able to keep this up for a long period.Study Abroad
Colorado Language Training Program
Learn real-world English and develop an international mindset!
This is a language training program that allows students to improve their English skills while staying with a local family for one month at the University of Colorado Boulder in Colorado, USA. By living in a different culture, students will develop an international mindset and learn how to use English as a means of communication. A fulfilling study abroad experience awaits, including living with a host family, and participating in English classes and extracurricular activities. Students from the Faculty of International Liberal Arts also participate.

Olympic and Paralympic Study Tours
Observe and learn about this international sports festival
We conduct study tours for students who want to participate in future Olympic and Paralympic Games and sports events. Not only do they learn about international events, they also deepen their understanding of global sports festivals. Following the 2012 London Games and the 2014 Sochi Games, we conducted a Paralympic study tour at the 2016 Rio Games.
Maui Marathon Study Tour
Manage sports event with local staff
This is a 4-night, 6-day program that offers the opportunity to participate as an event staff at the Maui Marathon, in the oldest running event in Hawaii, USA. By supporting the event with local staff, participants learn about tour planning and event management. They also run one of the most beautiful marathon courses in the world.
Sports for Tomorrow Consortium
International contribution through sports
Juntendo University endorses the ideals of the Sport For Tomorrow program of the Japanese government, and is a member of the Sports for Tomorrow Consortium. We will contribute to the Olympic and Paralympic Movement together with the international community by advancing cooperation and collaboration with governments, related organizations, other universities, and private companies.