University-wide Research Centers and Institutes
Medical Technology Innovation Center
The Medical Technology Innovation Center was established to oversee the promotion of cross-departmental research and development at Juntendo University and to further develop research activities leading to practical application of innovative medical technology. The center manages clinical research and clinical trial centers, and has assigned doctors who specialize in the support of research and development. It not only manages research and development using Juntendo's strong clinical capabilities, but also actively conducts research and education that will contribute to supporting research and development for the ideas sparked by consultations received from medical institutions and companies in Japan and overseas.International Collaborative Research Administration
The International Collaborative Research Administration was established with the aim of strengthening international cooperation between Juntendo University and overseas universities and research institutes, thereby promoting world-class international collaborative research. This Administration has several international collaborative research centers established under its umbrella based on agreements with top universities in other countries. Each center carries out collaborative research on specific issues with overseas universities and releases the research results globally as international co-authored papers.Juntendo Advanced Research Institute for Health Science (JARIHES)
Juntendo University established the Juntendo Advanced Research Institute for Health Science (JARIHES) as a university-wide research support base in May 2017. Cross-departmental project research, including MEXT Private University Research Branding Project, are placed under the umbrella of the institute, which aims to provide comprehensive research support and establish a system as a base for communicating information about the Juntendo brand.Faculty Research Centers
Atopy Research Center
Academic Frontier Promotion Project/Strategic Research Foundation Development Support ProjectJuntendo University Faculty of Medicine uses the center as a base for research on both basic research and clinical research aimed at overcoming atopic diseases. Atopic diseases occur as a result of extremely complex immune system responses. Basic research is therefore conducted to analyze the molecular basis of immune abnormalities not only at the genetic, molecular, and cellular levels, but also at the individual level. This research also aims to comprehensively understand the mechanisms of the immune system, intracellular signal transduction systems, transcriptional regulation, and intercellular adhesion, as well as their abnormalities.
Center for Biomedical Research Resources
Academic Frontier Promotion ProjectThe Center for Biomedical Research Resources conducts animal experiments for medical research and medical education. The Faculty of Medicine and the Graduate School of Medicine contribute to the health of the public through advanced medical care. Their activities are based on the results of basic and clinical research conducted at Juntendo University. Animal experiments conducted at the university are considered necessary to support our research activities.
Center for Genomic and Regenerative Medicine
Strategic Research Foundation Development Support Project
The Center for Genomic and Regenerative Medicine aims to develop new treatment methods for lifestyle-related and neurological diseases by utilizing knowledge of embryology and cell reprogramming technologies such as iPS cell technology. The center is core to efforts to promote research on methods of establishing cells that will be useful for future regenerative medicine, research on disease models, and the construction of somatic cell and iPS cell banks and genetic information databases, with the cooperation of the university's basic and clinical laboratories. It is anticipated that researchers will utilize cell resources and databases to greatly expand research into diseases, such as sporadic diseases, which have conventionally been difficult with diseased iPS cells. By simultaneously accumulating somatic cells (blood cells and fibroblasts) and immortalized cell lines, the center aims to build a foundation for next-generation research that can be used for disease research and clinical research in regenerative medicine using tissue stem cells such as endothelial progenitor cells.Institute for Environmental and Gender-Specific Medicine
High-Tech Research Center Project/Strategic Research Foundation Development Support Project
The Institute for Environmental and Gender-Specific Medicine has been established for the purpose of uniting basic and clinical medicine to clarify the effects of environmental factors on the human body by advancing research in cooperation with the three major projects of: (1) biological effects of environmental factors (environmental pollutants), (2) the relationship between environmental factors and disease-related gene mutations, and (3) gender-specific medicine and environmental factors. By making full use of a multifaceted approach ranging from epidemiology to nanoanalysis and proteomics analysis, we aim to conduct translational research that clarifies the effects of environmental factors on organisms and paves the way for the development of new therapies for diseases caused by environmental factors.Institute of Health and Sports Science & Medicine
High-Tech Research Center Project/Strategic Research Foundation Development Support Project
In the 2005 academic year, the Institute of Health and Sports Science & Medicine at Sakura Campus was selected as a research organization supported by the High-Tech Research Center Project of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. At the same time, a five-year project to advance research was started: “Adaptation of the mind and body to exercise: development of objective markers for designing personalized exercise programs.” This project was conducted as a university-wide effort for Juntendo University, involving not only the Graduate School of Health and Sports Science, but also researchers from the Graduate School of Medicine, the Faculty of Health Care and Nursing, and the Graduate School of Health Care and Nursing. The realization of personalized exercise programs is an area of interest for all in Japan, and the results of this research are highly anticipated.Intractable Disease Research Center
The Intractable Disease Research Center works on efforts to clarify the etiology and pathology of intractable diseases and develop treatment methods to contribute to advances in medical treatment and medicine through genomic and regenerative medicine. The Genomic Medicine Division will collaborate with researchers in various fields both inside and outside of the university to establish a highly specialized, field-specific, cross-disciplinary, basic and clinical joint research and development system focused on genomic medicine. The Regenerative Medicine Division aims to form a center for cutting-edge medical clinical research by creating effective drugs for many intractable diseases and developing patient-specific cell therapies with a view to establishing somatic stem cells derived from various organs and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS).Japanese Center for Research on Women in Sport
Strategic Research Foundation Development Support Project
The Graduate School of Medicine and the Graduate School of Health and Sports Science collaborate to conduct research on managing the condition of female athletes. The center also works on the important issues of improving the quality and increasing the number of coaches who support female athletes, and propose coaching methods for female athletes. Juntendo University Hospital and Urayasu Hospital, both affiliated with the Juntendo University Faculty of Medicine, have established outpatient clinics for female athletes, which provide an environment in which research results can be used for real world sports activities. In order to support promising female athletes and improve the female sports environment, the center will make use of its network with related organizations in Japan and overseas to establish a base for female sports research.Juntendo Biomedical Research Core Facilities
While most medical schools have adopted a department-based research system, Juntendo was the first to reorganize from a department-based research system into a cross-sectional, central joint research system in the 1960s to 1970s. In an attempt to improve the level of research, the facilities, equipment and supplies necessary for research are introduced by an independent central organization instead of individual department units, and are owned and managed by the whole university. Full-time staff are also stationed at each facility to help improve research efficiency and accuracy. In recent years, advances in molecular biology have made it necessary for medical research to incorporate results and technologies from other fields such as science, pharmacology, and engineering. It is the central organization that promotes and backs up these efforts in a pioneering, efficient, and effective manner.Research Institute for Diseases of Old Age
High-Tech Research Center Project/Strategic Research Foundation Development Support Project
The Research Institute for Diseases of Old Age was established in 2000, supported by a National Grant-in-Aid for the Establishment of High-Tech Research Centers in Private Universities from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan. The core research objectives of the High-Tech Research Center are the three pillars of: (1) elucidating the cause of Parkinson's disease and development of a new treatment that stops the disease process, (2) elucidating the causes of dementing disorders particularly Alzheimer's disease and development of a new treatment that stops the disease process, and (3) exploring the neuronal mechanisms of higher cerebral functions and recovery of those functions. The institute also pushes forward with collaborative and academic research as one of its objectives.Shizuoka Medical Research Center for Disaster
Strategic Research Foundation Development Support Project
The Shizuoka Medical Research Center for Disaster aims to establish a comprehensive medical care system to respond to large-scale disasters on the Izu Peninsula, where the Tokai Earthquake is predicted to occur, by conducting macro research from a clinical perspective on the establishment of Command & Control, Safety, Communication, Assessment, Triage, Treatment, Transport (CSCATTT), and by conducting disaster education and training in cooperation with the local government, local residents, and related organizations in preparation for disasters in non-disaster times.Sportology Center
High-Tech Research Center Project/Strategic Research Foundation Development Support Project
The Center of Sportology conducts comprehensive projects that apply “sportology” to prevent and treat lifestyle-related diseases, prevent falls, fractures and bedridden patients to avoid the need for nursing care, and prevent and treat dementia. Based on the results of conventional physical education, sportology is a field that aims to accumulate evidence through large-scale interventions and theoretical practice of exercise and through translational research, as well as to train professional staff. In addition, by using the obtained evidence to broadly contribute to society, the center improves operational efficiency by constructing disease databases for local governments and corporate health insurance associations. It also dispatches sportology specialists, aiming to become a base of preventive medicine as a sportology center.Research Administration and Support
Juntendo Clinical Research and Trial Center
With its roots as Japan's oldest Western medicine school, Juntendo University advances “Health Research” to contribute to society with new preventive, diagnostic, and therapeutic methods as well as pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and sports equipment. As a base for research and development, Juntendo University's mission is to nurture talent, constantly discover the seeds of new ideas, and swiftly give back results to society. The Juntendo Clinical Research and Trial Center of the Juntendo University Hospital was established as a research support department in a hospital that plays a central role in world-class clinical research and physician-led clinical trials in order to promote high-quality clinical research and clinical trials required for the development of innovative pharmaceuticals and medical devices originating in JapanResearch Strategy Promotion Center
Juntendo University, under the leadership of university president, contributes to the creation of a favorable research environment by engaging mainly in planning, research, patenting, and finance operations in order to enable university researchers to work smoothly on their academic and research activities.In order to improve our research capabilities and use our research results to contribute to society, we will work under the high-level Juntendo University Research Administration (JURA) system while incorporating the most cutting-edge information from a global perspective.