KOMATSU Masaaki, Ph.D.
Department of Organ and Cell Physiology
Short Biography
1997-2001 | Ph.D. Juntendo University School of Medicine |
2001 | Post-doc (Supervisor Prof. Eiki Kominami), Juntendo University School of Medicine |
2002-2004 | Post-doc (Supervisor Prof. Keiji Tanaka), The Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science |
2004-2007 | Assistant Professor, Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine |
2007-2008 | Associate Professor, Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine |
2008-2010 | Principle Investigator, The Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science |
2010-2014 | Project Leader, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science |
2014-2018 | Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Niigata University School of Medicine |
2018-Present | Professor, Department of Organ and Cell Physiology, Juntendo University School of Medicine |
- Autophagy
- The UFM1-system
- p62/SQSTM1
- Keap1-Nrf2 system
- Phase separation
Main Research Topics and Interests
- Autophagy
- The UFM1-system
- Protein homeostasis
- Organelle homeostasis
Publications (in English)
- Original Articles: 168
- Review Articles: 28
- Book Chapters: 2
- h-index: 79 (Web of Science)
- Sum of Times Cited: 43,417 (Web of Science)
Recent Main Publications
- Kageyama, S., …, *Komatsu, M. (21 of 21), p62/SQSTM1-droplet serves as a platform for autophagosome formation and anti-oxidative stress response. Nat Commun. 12:16 (2021).
- Sánchez-Martín P., Sou YS., Kageyama S., Koike M., Waguri S., *Komatsu M., NBR1-mediated p62-liquid droplets enhance the Keap1-Nrf2 system. EMBO Rep. 21, 48902 (2020)
- Saito, T., …, *Komatsu, M. (19 of 19), Autophagy regulates lipid metabolism through selective turnover of NCoR1. Nat. Commun. 10, 1567 (2019)
- More
Other Specific Comments
- On the basis of our strong expertise in protein biochemistry, cell biology and mouse genetic studies, we relentlessly pursue a revolutionary approach to the understanding of the role of selective autophagy in the suppression of tissue degeneration and other human diseases such as cancer and neurodegeneration.
Award and Honors
- 2006 FAOBMB, Young Scientist Award
- 2006 The Japanese Biochemical Society, Young Investigator Award
- 2009 The Molecular Biology Society of Japan, Young Investigator Award
- 2010 Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and technology-Japan, Young Scientist Award
- 2014 & 2015 THOMSON REUTERS Highly Cited Researchers
- 14th (FY2017) JSPS Prize
- 14th Japan Academy Medal
- 2019 Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researchers
- 2020 Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researchers
Department of Organ and Cell PhysiologyMultimode autophagy: Diverse pathways and selectivity
Autophagy, metabolism and neurodegeneration