KONISHI Seiki, M.D., Ph.D.
Department of Neurophysiology
Short Biography
1995 | M.D. The University of Tokyo Faculty of Medicine |
2000 | Research Associate, Department of Physiology, The University of Tokyo |
2006 | Associate Professor, Department of Physiology, The University of Tokyo |
2013-Present | Professor and Chairman, Department of Neurophysiology, Juntendo University Faculty of Medicine |
Main Research Topics and Interests
- Functional MRI
- Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
- Higher cognitive functions
- Prefrontal cortex
Publications (in English)
- Original Articles: 62
- Sum of Times Cited: 3778 (Web of Science)
- Average Citations: 60.9 (Web of Science)
- h-Index: 25 (Web of Science)
Recent Main Publications
- Osada T., Ogawa A., Suda A., Nakajima K., Tanaka M., Oka S., Kamagata K., Aoki S., Oshima Y., Tanaka S., Hattori N., Konishi S. Parallel cognitive processing streams in the human prefrontal cortex: Parsing the areal-level brain network for response inhibition. Cell Reports, 36, 109732, 2021.
- Suda A., Osada, T., Ogawa,A., Tanaka M., Kamagata K., Aoki S., Hattori N., Konishi S. Functional organization for response inhibition in the right inferior frontal cortex of individual human brains. Cereb Cortex, 30, 6325-6335, 2020.
- Osada T., Ohta S., Ogawa A., Tanaka M., Suda A., Kamagata K., Hori M., Aoki S., Shimo Y., Hattori N., Shimizu T., Enomoto H., Hanajima R., Ugawa Y., Konishi S. An essential role of the intraparietal sulcus in response inhibition predicted by parcellation-based network. Journal of Neuroscience, 39, 2509 –2521, 2019.
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