MINAMINO Tohru, M.D., Ph.D.
Department of Cardiovascular Biology and Medicine
Short Biography
1989 | M.D. Chiba University Faculty of Medicine |
1989-1991 | Resident, Internal Medicine, Chiba University Hospital |
1994-1997 | Research Fellow in Medicine, The University of Tokyo |
1997 | Ph.D. The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Medicine |
1997-2000 | Research Fellow in Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA |
2000-2001 | Assistant Professor, The 3rd Department of Internal Medicine, Teikyo University School of Medicine |
2001-2009 | Assistant Professor, The Department of Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine |
2007-2012 | Research Scientist, Japan Science and Technology Agency |
2010-2011 | Associate Professor, The Department of Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine |
2012-2020 | Professor and Chairman, The Department of Cardiovascular Biology and Medicine, Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences |
2019-2020 | Deputy Director, Niigata University Medical and Dental Hospital |
2020-Present | Professor and Chairman, The Department of Cardiovascular Biology and Medicine, Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine |
- Biology of Aging
- Cardiovascular Biology
- Regenerative Medicine
- Metabolic Disease
- Cellular Senescence
Main Research Topics and Interests
- The molecular mechanisms of age-associated disease (including cardiovascular and metabolic disease)
- The roles of cellular senescence in age-associated disease
- The development of senolytic treatment
- The development of regenerative therapy
Publications (in English)
- Original Articles: 149
- Review Articles: 33
Recent Main Publications
- Suda M, Minami T et al. Senolytic vaccination improves pathological aging. Nat Aging. 2021 (in press).
- Shimizu I, Yoshida Y, Suda M, Minamino T. DNA damage response and metabolic disease. Cell Metab 2014; 20: 967-977.
- Shimizu I, Yoshida Y, Moriya J, Nojima A, Uemura A, Kobayashi Y, Minamino T. Semaphorin3E-induced inflammation contributes to insulin resistance in dietary obesity. Cell Metab. 2013; 18: 491-504.
- Shimizu I, Yoshida Y, Katsuno T, Tateno K, Okada S, Moriya J, Yokoyama M, Nojima A, Ito T, Zechner R, Komuro I, Kobayashi Y, Minamino T. p53-induced adipose tissue inflammation is critically involved in the development of insulin resistance in heart failure. Cell Metab. 2012; 15: 51-64.
- Minamino T, Orimo M, Shimizu I, Kunieda T, Yokoyama M, Ito T, Nojima A, Nabetani A, Oike Y, Matsubara H, Ishikawa F, Komuro I. A crucial role for adipose tissue p53 in the regulation of insulin resistance. Nat Med. 2009; 15: 1082-1087.
- Minamino T and Komuro I. Vascular aging: insights from studies on cellular senescence, stem cell aging, and progeroid syndromes. Nat Rev Cardiol 2008; 5: 637-648.
- Sano M, Minamino T*, Toko H, Miyauchi H, Orimo M, Qin Y, Akazawa H, Tateno K, Kayama Y, Harada M, Shimizu I, Asahara T, Hamada H, Tomita S, Molkentin J D, Zou Y and Komuro I. p53-induced Inhibition of hif-1 causes cardiac dysfunction during pressure overload. Nature 2007; 446: 444-448. (*Co-first author)
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