MOTOI Yumiko, M.D., Ph.D.
Department of Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment of Dementia
Short Biography
1989 | M.D. Sapporo Medical College |
1989-1991 | Junior Resident, Sapporo Medical College |
1992-1995 | Senior Resident, Juntendo University Faculty of Medicine |
1996-2000 | Ph.D., Department of Neurology, Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine |
2001 | Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology, Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine |
2007 | Associate Professor, Department of Neurology, Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine |
2012 | Associate Professor, Department of Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment of Dementia, Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine |
2018 | Specially Appointed Professor, Department of Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment of Dementia, Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine |
2019 | Director, Tokyo Medical Center for Dementia, Juntendo University Hospital |
- Dementia
- Alzheimer’s Disease
- Tau Protein
- Imaging
- Prevention
Main Research Topics and Interests
- Molecular mechanisms of tau protein in Alzheimer’s Disease
- Neuroimaging for Alzheimer’s Disease
- Therapy for Alzheimer’s Disease
Publications (in English)
- Original Articles (58)
- Review Articles (2)
Recent Main Publications
- Matsumoto SE, Motoi Y, Ishiguro K, Tabira T, Kametani F, Hasegawa M, Hattori N. The twenty-four KDa C-terminal tau fragment increases with aging in tauopathy mice: implications of prion-like properties. Hum Mol Genet. 2015 Nov 15;24(22):6403-16
- Elahi M, Motoi Y, Matsumoto S, Hasan Z, Ishiguro K, Hattori N. Short-term treadmill exercise increased tau insolubility and neuroinflammation in tauopathy model mice. Neurosci. Lett. 610 (2016)207-212.
- Nakayama S, Suda A, Nakanishi A, Motoi Y, Hattori N. Galantamine Response Associates with Agitation and the Prefrontal Cortex in Patients with Alzheimer's Disease. J Alz Dis. 2017;57(1):267-273.
- Yamamoto H, Arimura S, Nakanishi A, Shimo Y, Motoi Y, Ishiguro K, Murakami K, Hattori N, Aoki S. Age-related effects and gender differences in Japanese Healthy controls for [123I]FP-CIT SPECT. Ann Nucl Med Ann Nucl Med 2017 Jun 31 (5) 407
- Motoi Y, Hander D, Hasegawa M. Editorial: Tau propagation Mechanisms: cell models, animal models, and Beyond Frontiers in Neuroscience 19 May 2020
- More
Department of Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment of DementiaGreetings from a director of medical center for dementia in Juntendo University Hospital