ORIMO Akira, M.D., Ph.D.
Department of Molecular Pathogenesis (Molecular Pathology)
Short Biography
1989 | M.D. Juntendo University Faculty of Medicine |
1994 | Ph.D. Internal Clinical Medicine, The University of Tokyo |
1995 | Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Saitama Medical University |
2000-2002 | Lecturer, Department of Biochemistry, Saitama Medical University |
2000-2007 | Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Biology (Robert A. Weinberg lab), Whitehead Institute, MIT, USA |
2007-2012 | Group Leader, CR-UK Stroma-Tumour Interaction, Paterson Institute for Cancer, Research, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK |
2012-2019 | Associate Professor, Department of Molecular Pathology, Juntendo University Faculty of Medicine |
2020-Present | Professor, Department of Molecular Pathology, Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine |
- Carcinoma-Associated Fibroblasts (CAFs)
- Tumor Microenvironment
- Tumor Invasion and Metastasis
- Partial EMT
- Tumor Cell Cluster
- Stroma-Targeted Therapy
Main Research Topics and Interests
- Roles of the tumor-stroma interaction promoting tumor malignancy
- Roles of stromal fibroblasts in enhancing human carcinoma invasion and metastasis
- Development of a potential therapeutic approach targeting tumor-associated stroma
Publications (in English)
- Original Articles: 53
- Review Articles: 12
- Books: 5
- h-index: 29 (Scopus)
- Sum of Times Cited: 7,482 (Scopus)
Recent Main Publications
- Mizukoshi K, Okazawa Y, Haeno H, Koyama Y, Sulidan K, Komiyama H, Saeki H, Ohtsuji N, Ito Y, Kojima Y, Goto M, Habu S, Hino O, Sakamoto K,* Orimo A.* (2020) Metastatic seeding of human colon cancer cell clusters expressing the hybrid epithelial/mesenchymal state. International Journal of Cancer, 146, 2547-2562. doi: 10.1002/ijc.32672 * Corresponding author
- Matsumura Y, Ito Y, Mezawa Y, Sulidan K, Daigo Y, Hiraga T, Mogushi K, Wali N, Polanska UM, Suzuki H, Itoh T, Miyagi Y, Yokose T, Shimizu S, Takano A, Terao Y, Saeki H, Ozawa M, Abe M, Takeda S, Okumura K, Habu S, Hino O, Takeda K, Hamada M, Orimo A.* (2019) Stromal fibroblasts induce metastatic tumor cell clusters via epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity., Life Science Alliance, 2019, 2, 1-24 pii: e201900425. doi: 10.26508/lsa.201900425.
- Kojima, Y., Acar, A., Eaton, E., Mellody, K., Scheel, C., Ben-Porath, I., Onder, T., Wang, CZ., Richardson, A., Weinberg RA* and Orimo A.,* (2010) Autocrine TGF-b and SDF-1 signaling drives evolution of mammary stromal fibroblasts into tumor-promoting myofibroblasts. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., 107, 20009-20014. C.I.=557
- Orimo A., Gupta P., Sgroi D., Arenzana-Seisdedos F., Delaunay T., Naeem R., Carey V., Richardson A., and Weinberg RA. (2005) Stromal fibroblasts present in invasive human breast carcinomas promote tumor growth and angiogenesis through elevated SDF-1/CXCL12 secretion, Cell, 121, 335-348. C.I.=3386
- More
Other Specific Comments
Award and Honors
- Maruki Memorial award, Saitama medical school, Japan (1994-1997) P.I.
- Novartis Foundation for Gerontology, Switzerland, (1997-1999) P.I.
- Uehara memorial fellowship, Japan (2000-2001) (2004-2005) P.I.
- Sankyo Foundation of Life Science, Japan (2001-2003) P.I.
- Cancer research-UK (2007-2012) P.I.
- An alumni award, Juntendo University of Medicine, Japan, 2010 P.I.
- Princess Takamatsu Cancer Research Fund, 2020 P.I.