SAITO Kazuyuki, M.D., Ph.D.
Department of Forensic Medicine
Short Biography
1984-Present | Forensic Pathologist, Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Examiner's Office |
1989 | Research Associate, Department of Forensic Medicine, Saitama Medical University |
1999-2013 | Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine, Saitama Medical University |
2001-2006 | Visiting Scholar, Department of Clinical Neuropathology, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Neuroscience |
2013-Present | Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine, Juntendo University Faculty of Medicine |
- Sudden cardiac death
- Vasospastic angina
- Cerebral arterial injury
- Kawasaki disease
- Sudden infant death syndrome
Main Research Topics and Interests
- Forensic pathology of sudden cardiac death
- Forensic diagnosis of traumatic injuries
- Diagnosis and prevention of sudden infant death syndrome and related disorders
Publications (in English)
- Original Articles: 70
- Review Articles: 1
- Books: 19
- h-Index: 11 (Scopus)
- Sum of Times Cited: 443 (Scopus)
Recent Main Publications
- Takada A, Saito K, Hayashizaki Y, Nozawa N, Funakoshi I, Mori M. A healed incomplete rupture of a small artery jutting to the lateral ventricle: A possible cause of primary intraventricular hemorrhage. Legal Med 2017; 29: 51-52.
- Takada A, Saito K, Murai T, Kurosaki K, Kurihara K, Hamamatsu A. Right ventricular free wall dissection as a rupture tract in left ventricular rupture during acute myocardial infarction. Legal Med 2015; 17: 525-531.
- Takahashi S, Takada A, Saito K, Hara M, Yoneyama K, Nakanishi H. Fatal anaphylaxis associated with the gadolinium-based contrast agent gadoteridol (ProHanceR). J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol 2015; 25: 365-384.