TAKAHASHI Kazuhisa, M.D., Ph.D.
Department of Minimally Invasive Next Generation Cancer Diagnosis by TelomeScan
Short Biography
1985 | M.D. Juntendo University Faculty of Medicine |
1992 | Ph.D. Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine |
1994-1997 | Post-Doctoral Fellow, Division of Surgical Oncology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA |
1999 | Assistant Professor, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Juntendo University Faculty of Medicine & Graduate School of Medicine |
2003 | Associate Professor, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Juntendo University Faculty of Medicine & Graduate School of Medicine |
2005-Present | Professor and Chairman, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Juntendo University Faculty of Medicine & Graduate School of Medicine |
2014-2019 | Vice Director, Juntendo University Hospital |
2019-Present | Director, Juntendo University Hospital |
- Circulating Tumor Cell
- Liquid Biopsy
- Lung Cancer
- Biomarker
- TelomeScan
Main Research Topics and Interests
- Prediction of Chemotherapy response for cancer by TelomeScan
- Early diagnosis of cancer by TelomeScan
Publications (in English)
- Original Articles: 275
- Review Articles: 18
- h-Index: 41(Scopus)
- Sum of Times Cited: 6,275 (Scopus)
Recent Main Publications
- Mesenchymal Characteristics and Predictive Biomarkers on Circulating Tumor Cells for Therapeutic Strategy. Okabe T, Togo S,Fujimoto Y, Watanabe J, Sumiyoshi I, Orimo A, Takahashi K. Cancers (Basel). 2020 Nov 30;12(12):3588. review
- Analysis of circulating tumour cell and the epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT) status during eribulin-based treatment in 22patients with metastatic breast cancer: a pilot study. Horimoto Y, Tokuda E, Murakami F, Uomori T, Himuro T, Nakai K, Orihata G, IijimaK, Togo S, Shimizu H, Saito M. J Transl Med. 2018 Oct 20;16(1):287
- Clinical features of squamous cell lung cancer with anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK)-rearrangement: a retrospective analysis andreview. Watanabe J, Togo S, Sumiyoshi I, Namba Y, Suina K, Mizuno T, Kadoya K, Motomura H, Iwai M, Nagaoka T, Sasaki S, HayashiT, Uekusa T, Abe K, Urata Y, Sakurai F, Mizuguchi H, Kato S, Takahashi K. Oncotarget. 2018 May 8;9(35):24000-24013.
- Sensitive detection of viable circulating tumor cells using a novel conditionally telomerase-selective replicating adenovirus in non-small cell lung cancer patients. Togo S, Katagiri N, Namba Y, Tulafu M, Nagahama K, Kadoya K, Takamochi K, Oh S, Suzuki K, SakuraiF, Mizuguchi H, Urata Y, Takahashi K. Oncotarget. 2017 May 23;8(21):34884-34895.
- Efficient detection of human circulating tumor cells without significant production of false-positive cells by a novel conditionallyreplicating adenovirus. Sakurai F, Narii N, Tomita K, Togo S, Takahashi K, Machitani M, Tachibana M, Ouchi M, Katagiri N, Urata Y,Fujiwara T, Mizuguchi H. Mol Ther Methods Clin Dev. 2016 Mar 2;3:16001
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