TANAKA Rica, M.D., PhD.
Department of Regenerative Therapy
Short Biography
2002 | M.D. Tokai University of School of Medicine |
2006-2007 | Research Fellow, New York University Institute of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery |
2008 | Ph.D. Tokai University Graduate School |
2008-2011 | Assistant Professor, Department of Plastic Surgery, Tokai University School of Medicine |
2011-2012 | Assistant Professor, Department of Plastic Surgery, Juntendo University School of Medicine |
2017-2020 | Senior Associate Professor, Department of Plastic Surgery, Juntendo University School of Medicine |
2020-Present | Professor, Department of Plastic Surgery, Juntendo University School of Medicine
Professor and Chairman, Division of Regenerative Therapy, Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine |
- Regenerative Medicine and Regenerative Therapy
- Wound Healing
- Vascular Stem Cells Biology
- Cell Therapy
- Stem Cell Biology
Main Research Topics and Interests
- Developing vascular and tissue regeneration therapies based on the transplantation of autologous peripheral blood mononuclear cells expanded in vitro (MNC-QQ, Repri)
- Identifying the mechanisms governing angiogenesis and wound healing, and developing tissue regeneration therapies using part of a novel macrophage (ReMa cells)
- Identifying the mechanisms governing tissue regeneration and breakdown using diabetic skin, epidermal stem cells, vascular stem cells
- Developing MASQ cell mixtures (adipose-derived stem cells + Repri cells)
- Identifying the vascular, skin, fat, hair stem cells biology
Publications (in English)
- Original Articles: 49
- Review Articles: 6
- Sum of Times Cited: 982
Recent Main Publications
- Tanaka R, Hirano-Ito R, Fujimura S, Arita K, Hagiwara H, Mita T, Itoh M, Kawaji H, Ogawa T, Watada H, Masuda H, Asahara T, Mizuno H: Ex vivo conditioning of peripheral blood mononuclear cells of diabetic patients promotes vasculogenic wound healing. Stem cell translational medicine 10 (6) :895-909, 2021
- Geeroms M, Fujimura S, Aiba E, Orgun D, Arita K, Kitamura R, Senda D, Mizuno H, Hamdi M, Tanaka R:Quality and Quantity-Cultured Human Mononuclear Cells Improve the Human Fat Graft Vascularization and Survival in an In Vivo Murine Experimental Model. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery,147(2):373-385, 2021
- Tanaka R, Masuda H, Fujimura S, Hirano-Ito R, Arita K, Kakinuma Y, Hagiwara H, Kado M, Hayashi A, Mita T, Ogawa T, Watada H, Mizuno H, Sawada N, Asahara T. Quality-quantity control culture enhances vasculogenesis and wound healing efficacy of diabetic peripheral blood CD34+ cells. Stem Cells Translational Medicine 7(5)428-438, 2018, IF: 6.94/CI:9
- More
Other Specific Comments
- Researcher who are interested and have strong motivation in regenerative medicine and therapy in the field of wound healing, plastic surgery and vascular and tissue regeneration are welcome to join our group.